Designing Hong Kong Harbour District

The Harbour District, Victoria Harbour and its adjoining districts, include the majority of the key assets defining Hong Kong's image and lifestyle: the Harbour, the major financial and commercial buildings, the Government and public offices, key heritage sites and the main culture, art, sports, entertainment, accommodation and food & beverage venues. Victoria Harbour and the immediate adjuncts from the heart of the Pearl River Delta are where visiting tourists spend much of their time and money, and where residents undertake many of their retail, leisure, arts, entertainment and sports activities.

The objective of Designing Hong Kong Harbour District is consensus building among government, business and civic sectors on sustainable planning for the Harbour District.

The deliverables are key principles for a sustainable planning process to guide capacity building to deal with 9.2 million residents and 70 million tourists by 2030. Our starting point is the sustainable protection of the harbour and five core principles:

  • Quality of life vs transport led planning
  • Planning for the benefit for all
  • Public participation and ongoing consultation
  • Single accountability for the planning and implementation process
  • Integrated planning for the entire Harbour District, including the harbour, the waterfronts and the surrounding districts

Our Tools

We are organizing meetings, conferences, seminars and other activities, where we gather opinions and ideas for a world-class Harbour District.

Our Research

  • Desktop research
  • Research interviews with opinion shapers and leaders
  • Workshops to build consensus on the priority of principles
  • Surveys of various community groups

Our Reports

Output of this research initiative are reports on Sustainable Planning Principles for Hong Kong Harbour District. You can download these reports here.

Endorsers, Supporters, Sponsors

We welcome Support from individuals and organizations with any of the following:

  • Provide relevant submissions (studies and materials)
  • Distribute surveys, event-related news and press releases to your constituency
  • Organize live or virtual events with your constituency to discuss sustainable planning for the Hong Kong Harbour District and arrange related opinion polls
  • Conduct seminars on specialist topics such as iconic urban design, best practices in town planning, sustainable planning, city density, traffic management systems, etc.

We welcome (public) Endorsements in writing from individuals and organizations.

We welcome Sponsors willing to help fund research and public forums.


Support us >>
fax to +852 2234 5410

General Enquiries

Sponsorship and fundraising
Paul Zimmerman, The Experience Group + 852 2923 8688,

Media Information
Loretta Chang +852 2234 6424 or 6446 1513,

Hong Kong Central Waterfront Initiatives
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